What Women Need To Know About Some Well-Known Vitamins And Supplements For Women

Most people know what vitamins and supplements are but are confused about what they may need to supplement with or what foods may or may not contain what they need. Continue reading to learn information that every woman needs to know!

Calcium is needed for a good number of important body functions and strong bones. Not getting enough calcium is a risk that is associated with Osteoporosis. Calcium is also very necessary for the proper functioning of muscles, the heart, kidneys and even blood clotting.

It is recommended that adults up to the age of 70 years old get at least 1,000 mg of calcium per day. Some dairy foods that are calcium rich are yogurt, milk and cheese. Non-dairy foods that are rich in calcium are salmon, tofu, greens, white beans, spinach, broccoli and peas. If you do not regularly eat these foods, you may need a supplement.

Vitamin D is sometimes known as the “sunshine vitamin” because it’s a hormone that your body can make with the help of sun exposure. However, because sun exposure can increase sun cancer risk, experts feel getting Vitamin D from food is the best option because the risk of cancer can outweigh the benefits of Vitamin D from sunlight.

It is recommended that adults up to the age of 69 years old get 600 IU per day of Vitamin D. Unfortunately, Vitamin D is not found naturally in most foods. It is found naturally in fish oil, salmon, halibut and trout. Some foods are often fortified with Vitamin D, and those foods are most cow’s milk, some types of yogurt and orange juice. Be sure to check food labels.

Folic acid is important for all women who are of childbearing age. Studies have shown that women who do not normally take it as a supplement should begin taking it at least 3 months before trying to get pregnant to help prevent birth defects. Some women wait until they are pregnant to start taking supplements, and this is sometimes not early enough.

It is recommended that women of childbearing age get 400 to 800 mcg (micrograms) of folic acid daily. Foods that are high in folic acid are lentils, citrus fruits, kidney beans, asparagus, broccoli and even tomato juice. Even if you do get folic acid through food, women should take it as a supplement even if they don’t plan to get pregnant.

Black cohosh is important for women gong through menopause and has even been of use to women after breast cancer due to its ability to help relieve hot flashes. While it does not relieve symptoms entirely, it can help lessen them which is a relief that many women are grateful for. Black cohosh is not something found naturally in the foods we eat, so you will need to take it as a supplement.

It’s recommended that adult females get between 40 and 80 mg of black cohosh per day. It can be taken in capsule or tablet form, and some women take it by drinking it. A tincture can be made with no more than 4 ml of black cohosh per day. It should be mixed with water or tea. Drink the tincture no more than 3 times daily. Store the tincture in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. If you are interested in black cohosh because you have breast cancer, talk to your doctor first about the appropriate recommended amount for you before taking it.

Hopefully, this article helped you understand some popular vitamins and supplements that many have heard of but have always been confused about. Knowing what you should take is rather simple to learn about. All that is needed now is a quick trip to the store to get what you need!

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